Our Story

The story of Family Church is one of faith from its beginnings. Throughout the years, the Lord has revealed Himself in seemingly impossible ways. The Word says that God brings into existence things that do not exist. That has been the life journey of Family Church. By 2019, we recognized that God had been preparing the ministry for an undeniable mandate.

We had been called to plant Family Church ministry in January 2006 and had seen the Lord’s hand upon the ministry. Fast forward 13 years. October 2019 everything shifted. Ron had been sensing the Lord wanting us to visit Moravian Falls for many months. We knew little about it. We just knew one thing, we were to meet with God! So, through a series of events, we found ourselves driving to Moravian Falls, North Carolina to pray/fast and meet with the Lord.  

The Road Travelled

Everything went smoothly the first night and second day in Moravian Falls. Frankly though, we were wondering why the LORD orchestrated the time and expense to go 1000 miles away. Lord, we were silently asking, “couldn’t we have just ‘shut down’ at home?” We continued on, seeking, praying, having wonderful fellowship with each other and the Lord but nothing unusual. At least, not until the second night. Here’s what happened...

We Arrive!

Where’s the Ring?

Ron went to the trunk of the car to get an item for Vicki.  Sliding his hands around between luggage, boxes, etc. his wedding ring slipped off.  He looked for it about 30 minutes through two separate “scouting” trips. Nothing. 

He told Vicki and both agreed it would be found the next day with natural light. 

Before going to bed, Ron, a creature of habit, did his normal nightly routine. He placed his Bible, water bottle, and watch side by side on the nightstand next to the bed and thought of the empty space that should have been where he placed his wedding ring. 

A Miracle

The next morning, Ron got his water, Bible, watch and……. the RING!  The ring was there!  Stunned, he picked it up, put it on and silently questioned if the night before had been a dream. He walked out to where Vicki was reading her Bible and lifted his hand, asking what she saw. The RING!  He explained it was right next to his watch when he woke up. Both amazed, Ron proceeded to share how the Lord laid upon his heart a series of points to guide him through this miracle and its purpose. 

Why would God do such a dramatic miracle? Ron began to seek the Lord about this. He felt the Lord impressing on him to look where the ring was when he saw it. Ron thought, “It was by my watch”. Then the Lord highlighted in Ron’s heart: “Yes, time is ticking. Time is drawing near. From that moment on, God began forming a mandate on the ministry to prepare the Bride of Christ for His return with three dominate focal points. 

  • A wedding ring obviously relates to a bridegroom and bride and their covenant relationship.

  • God wants us to become vessels of purity that reflect His character and power working through us.

  • Set apart for His purposes on the earth.

One More Thing

Move forward approximately 18 months. Ron was awakened at 2 AM in the morning. The Lord quickly spoke to Ron’s heart. “Write this down.”

“Where Hope Is Found and Miracles Happen.” 

That is the language from our Father as He released His vision over Family Church. It is truly God-driven and inspired. Without Him, there is no hope. Without Him the miracle power of a transformed life is impossible. We are humbled He chose Family Church to raise up and equip end times followers of Christ. He has called us to partner with Him in preparing His people to spread the fragrance of our Lord through the hope and miracle working power of Jesus Christ wherever we go. Time is ticking and He has called Family Church for “such a time as this.” 

The stump points to Christ. 

Jesus grew up in Nazareth, a nondescript village of no reputation. The Hebrew word for Nazareth means branch or shoot. When a tree is chopped down, a shoot will sometimes grow from a stump producing a new tree from the old one.

The branch or shoot represents a promise of hope; hope of new life. It represents the new life of Christ, first hidden, then blossoming and producing many branches, which identify all who follow Him.

Jesus is our hope. Hope for eternal life. Hope for a life of peace, joy, and love, hope for healing and hope for a life of legacy; one of eternal value. 

The stump, according to Isaiah 11:1, though seemingly “nothing” by the world’s standards, produced the One Man, Jesus Christ the Son of God whose miracle working power changed the world.

So why the Stump?

Where Hope Is Found and Miracles Happen.