Sundays at Family Church
We have two services happening each Sunday at Family Church. Join us as we worship Jesus!
Morning Worship Service - 10:30am
Corporate worship, sermon & children’s ministryIn His Presence - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Praise, Worship and Prayer Hour
What to Expect
Our Worship Service begins with an intimate time of praise followed by a Bible-based teaching with application points to consider. The service lasts about 90 minutes.
GPS Navigation systems sometimes misdirect new attendees - to get you to service promptly, follow the directions provided below:
We are located just off of K-10. Take the Bob Billings Pkwy Exit.
From Bob Billings Parkway go east to George Williams Way. Turn right. At the first street, turn right on Lake Estates Dr. Continue until you see the Family Church campus.
The address is: 906 N. 1464 Rd Lawrence, KS 66049
God invites us to teach and impress His love and truth upon children (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). We believe God gives kids the ability and desire to deeply experience His love and presence, so we lead our events, plan our curriculum, and create resources with this in mind. Our hope is that kids are inspired and equipped to partner with Jesus in every area of their lives.
Most people wear casual attire, but you’re welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable. Come as you are!
Our congregation is a family! People from all walks of life who love God and each other. We would be thrilled to have you stay a short while following service so we can get to know one another. You may first come as a guest, but our hearts desire is that you go home from the service feeling like family.
Our Ministries
Bringing people together is not just a good idea, it’s a God idea. God never intended for you to be alone, but to live in life-transforming community with other believers. Let us help you get connected with like-minded people, make new friends and grow spiritually in one of our ministries.
Each ministry’s purpose, from kids through adults, is to grow disciples of Jesus who go out in God’s power, love and authority.
Love Wins Ministries
Come and be part of God’s Kingdom on earth!
The Family Church “Love Wins” Training Center is a training and learning environment for any and all who are hungry to personally be comfortable and effective in taking the great commission into every place they go. Jesus instructs His followers to “proclaim the gospel and heal the sick”. Simply put…Love Wins! Once we step into this great “co-mission” with Jesus, He reveals Himself mightily as Savior, Comforter and Healer. We invite you to come be part of spreading God’s power and love to those in need. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). For more in formation contact us at
Freedom For Life
Love Wins Inner Healing Ministry
In the compassion of Christ, we minister healing through fervent prayer and biblical instruction to bring freedom for life under the leading and anointing of Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ wants you whole! He wants you healed and living in freedom from all that hinders your peace in and through Him.
For more information or to set an appointment, contact Kerri and Scott Davis at
Prayer Power
Love Wins Prayer Room
Tuesdays: 1:30PM-4:00PM (by appointment)
For more information or to set an appointment, contact us at:
Prayer with our prayer team. If Tuesdays do not work in your work schedule, let us know and will do our best to accommodate you.
Our prayer team will direct you to a dedicated prayer room and pray over you. You will be in a loving and safe environment to receive from the Lord. In the compassion of Jesus, we minister prayer for healing of soul issues, physical disease, and any hindrances in your walk with Jesus. Expect to receive something supernatural from Him.
Family Church Office Hours
Mon through Sat By Appointment
9:00AM - 12:30PM and 5:45PM - 7:30PM